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Beyond the Basics: Advanced Webinar on the Digital Anatomy Creator

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The Digital Anatomy Creator (DAC) is a powerful tool that enhances the Digital Anatomy Printer possibilities. Allowing you to customize and create precise medical models. This session will delve into the software's advanced features for creating medical 3D models.


What We'll Cover:

  • Brief review of Noise Functions from the previous webinar
  • Understanding how layers are built on different geometries
  • Exploring advanced features of the software through application examples
  • Creating custom materials for use in Noise Functions
  • Utilizing the special capabilities of RadioMatrix and the CT imaging field using the Digital Anatomy Creator

For a 30-day free trial of the Digital Anatomy Creator, register with the same email you used to sign up for GrabCAD Print.

Catherine Wallace
Senior Medical Segment Applications Engineer

Catherine Wallace is a Senior Medical Applications Engineer at Stratasys within the HealthCare and Consumer Business Unit. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Northeastern University. Catherine leverages Stratasys’ additive manufacturing technology to solve complex problems and drive innovation within medical device companies and point of care facilities. She also supports customer learning and feedback through active engagement with clients to understand their unique challenges and requirements. Prior to Stratasys, Catherine has extensive additive manufacturing experience printing metals, resins, polymers and ceramics from her time at Desktop Metal, 3DEO and HRL Laboratories.